COVID-19 UPDATE: Current Jennie Stuart Health and E.C. Green Visitor restrictions
This is an ever-evolving situation and we continue to work closely with the local and state departments of health, as well as the CDC, to assure we are taking appropriate precautions. At this time Jennie Stuart Health has no confirmed cases of COVID-19.
The safety of our patients and staff is very important to us. As a precaution, we have instituted several visitation restrictions. If you have an appointment with one of our providers, we ask that you only bring one healthy support person to accompany you.
If you are visiting one of our patient rooms, we ask that our patients only receive one visitor at a time. Please remember to utilize standard protocols of washing hands before and after entering patient rooms.
Certain areas of the hospital have additional restrictions as noted below:
One visitor per patient and no visitors will be allowed if a potential COVID-19 case is being evaluated. Exceptions will be made if patient is unable to make/communicate medical decisions for self, or if patient death is imminent or has expired.
Emergency Waiting area: we ask to keep the number of visitors in the waiting area to those essential for patient decision making and transport.
Visitation hours for the ICU are as follows: 9:00 AM – 1200 PM, 2:00 PM– 5:00 PM, and 8:00 –11:00 PM. We ask for one healthy visitor at a time during visitation hours only. No visitors under 16 years at this time. Nurses will update family members with any changes in status.
One healthy visitor per patient in treatment areas. Anyone exhibiting signs of infection will not be allowed in treatment areas.
One healthy visitor may accompany patients.
For additional information and updates, please visit: