JennieCare Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is my reservation time a guarantee?
  • Can I use Online Check-in even if I do not have insurance? What about Medicare or Medicaid?
  • Can I make one reservation for multiple people?
  • When I arrive, will I see a doctor right away?
  • What if I make a reservation, and then start feeling a lot worse?
  • What happens if I'm late?
  • I made a reservation, but now I cannot get there on time. Can I adjust my time?
  • I don't need to go to the Urgent Care anymore. How do I cancel my reservation?

No, it is not. The urgent care will do its best to see when you arrive, but if there are sicker patients ahead of you, they may be seen first.

Online Check-in is free for everyone. It does not matter what insurance you have or whether you do not have any.

No. We can only see one patient per time slot. If more than one person needs to be seen, please reserve additional slots. You can view additional times by clicking on the blue drop down bar.

You will be seen by a healthcare professional who will evaluate your condition and decide on the best course of action for you. You may be seen by a nurse, physician, physician assistant, or some other combination of healthcare professionals.

If you are feeling worse, do NOT wait for your reservation. Go to the nearest Emergency Department immediately or call 911 right away.

There is a 15 minute grace period. If you are later than that time frame, you may lose your spot in line

Simply go online and make a new reservation. The system will automatically cancel your old one.

Simply text "9" to the short code "34947" to cancel your reservation.

Hours of Operation

8:00am - 7pm Monday - Friday
9:00am - 6pm Saturday & Sunday

Closed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve & Day


10755 Eagle Way

Blue Creek South Medical Park, Suite 100

Hopkinsville, KY 42240

Phone: (270) 887-0270
Fax (270) 886-3969